Star Cafe 位置便利,以传统食材为基础,以现代风格为您提供快捷美味的餐点。享用按照严格标准烹制的越南美食,或者在开始旅程之前喝杯浓缩咖啡提神。一进门,诱人的咖啡香气和浓郁的河粉味道就迎面而来。停下来,放松一下,和我们一起享受一顿美餐! 主要产品:河粉、面包、咖啡、果汁和瓶装水。 促销和建议:“河粉、饮料和甜点套餐”
营业时间:: 当日第一个航班起飞前02小时,当日最后一个航班起飞后关闭。
Star Cafe 是一家专门提供融合当地特色和国际口味的快餐的餐厅。
Star Cafe 位置便利,以传统食材为基础,以现代风格为您提供快捷美味的餐点。享用按照严格标准烹制的越南美食,或者在开始旅程之前喝杯浓缩咖啡提神。一进门,诱人的咖啡香气和浓郁的河粉味道就迎面而来。停下来,放松一下,和我们一起享受一顿美餐! 主要产品:河粉、面包、咖啡、果汁和瓶装水。 促销和建议:“河粉、饮料和甜点套餐”
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营业时间:: 当天第一个航班起飞前至少 2 小时至最后一个航班起飞后关闭。
Bring visitors a pure Vietnamese culinary experience including the signature dishes such as Pho, banh my, spring roll…and plentiful of drinks
Star Cafe is part of the Urban Market chain, are known in Vietnam's airports for serving authentic, tasty Vietnamese cuisine.
Star Cafe is a brand that embodies the spirit of Vietnamese coffee. With the rich coffee flavours of the Central Highlands, it is the perfect destination for both domestic and foreign travellers.
Main products: Banh mi; cake, ice cream, and a variety of beverages.
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